Semec Hotel

0383 55 66 88 - 0988733466

Ram 2016 Gala


Mid-Autumn Festival – Festival of friendship!
When heavy rains followed the same identical, when the rising water flooded into the roughly foot, while the red gold phophuong flooded thousands of his lights so fun and unique shops full of cake boxes Autumn yellow moon is delicious when he signaled a mid-autumn season again on. Autumn makes me recall many childhood memories venhung day. Was he holding a lamp stars run around the neighborhood with the neighbor kids, eat pie with funny shapes, were gathered to hear her family and tells the uncle Cuội banyan trees, the beautiful moon beautiful in yonder. Moon, hiding places many fond memories of every human being.

The upcoming season of the moon again, when earth and sky blend in August full moon day is also the time to think more about his family. After Chinese New Year, this is probably the most anticipated day of the children and of the family members after days of hard work.
Mid-Autumn Festival is rooted in a tradition of the Chinese people. Initially just a drink and watching the moon. But then again flourished and became a day of each family reunions.
Since early August, lunar, adults have been busy preparing the toys for children in day light procession, feast prepared for the whole family with the traditional moon cake. As a child, if in the city they are often parents put lanterns shopping. The children in the countryside, can they make themselves his lights so funny. Still not pretty but we would be very eager to Mid Autumn Day

Mid-Autumn Festival takes place on the day of the full moon, but in Vietnam, maybe one day it is not enough to quench the kids should wait Festival usually takes place at about 13 to 15 lunar.
In harmony with the hotel Hong Kong II not prepared for little children New Year, Tet binding friendship with Gala program RAM

To book a party or need more information, please call your
Hotline: 0383 55 66 88 – 0989 547 219
Location: Hotel Hong Kong II , 158 Le Viet Thuat – Vinh – Nghe An